Inside Track PR
Inside Track PR Inside Track PR

a creative public relations firm that specializes in custom solutions for our clients.

Strategic Communications
Strategic Communications

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for an organization to lose sight of its strategic goals in day-to-day communications with the public. We work with our clients to ensure that their strategic goals are consistently furthered by our professional communications team. Regardless of what our clients’ goals are, we are well equipped to move the needle of public opinion towards them.

Political Consulting

Inside Track is dedicated to making sure that our clients get the insightful feedback they deserve for their political campaigns. We have a wealth of experience working with political campaigns both locally & nationally. We provide our clients with critical and analytical data about their campaigns, informing them on different strategies to attract support for their campaigns.

Digital & Social Media

At InsideTrack PR, we are committed to providing our clients with a cutting edge presence on social media that’s necessary to influence public opinion in today’s modern world. Our full-service digital & social media team provides clients with services such as: websites, managing social media, targeted boosting on social media, graphic design, and many more essential services. Through a coordinated digital & social media presence, we leave no stone unturned when promoting our clients’ message & goals.

Creative Content

Our firm focuses on creating innovative content that will attract new people to learn more about our clients. We will generate creative strategies to expand our client’s following on social media and more views on their websites. We pride ourselves on creating innovative content that will expand our client’s audience and following. We give daily reports on the progress of the new ideas we come up with to expand our client’s imaging on all platforms.

Litigation PR
Litigation PR

If our clients have a matter before the court system, InsideTrack PR will manage a vigorous campaign to influence public opinion on their behalf. Our world-class strategic communications team has a wealth of experience promoting our clients’ narrative in the public arena. We will utilize this experience to ensure that our clients have public opinion behind them when traversing the legal system.

Multicultural Communications

Inside Track specializes in creating diverse content that will connect our clients with various cultures. We create content that will communicate across many cultures and reach different ethnic groups. We work with a very diverse clientele and have been able to communicate their interest to all cultures. Our main focus is being able to communicate our client’s interest to all cultures races and target audiences that they want.

Crisis Management
Crisis Management

Should our clients find themselves in the middle of a crisis, we will stand ready to influence public opinion on their behalf. No matter how challenging the crisis, our expert strategic communications team will promote our clients’ narrative vigorously in the public arena. It’s essential for navigating the crisis successfully and maintaining the client’s public image.

Opposition Research

We carefully analyze your adversaries to show you how to be better than them. We have a lot of experience researching and making a comparative analysis to keep our clients informed of their competition. We give our clients a detailed comparison report between the client and their opposition. This report includes a breakdown of their opposition’s strengths and weaknesses. We look at areas where our clients can improve so they can be better than the opposition.

Behavioral Economics
Behavioral Economics

We provide our clients with an analysis of behavioral economics pertaining to whatever their strategic needs are. Behavioral economics integrates insights from psychology, neuroscience, and microeconomic theory, all indicators of how the public comes to form opinions and make decisions. With an analysis of behavioral economics, our clients are always better informed than the competition on how to sway the public.

Reputation Management
Reputation Management

InsideTrack cares about making sure our client’s reputations are positive and reflect the client’s image. We will make sure your image in the media will reflect the image you want. We focus on strengthening our client’s image on social media, search engines, and news outlets.

Big Data Analysis
Big Data Analysis

InsideTrack PR clients will always have access to the most comprehensive data analysis available. Our first class data team works with clients to determine what their strategic goals are. We then perform data analysis tailored to our clients’ needs. This exhaustive data operation then informs our strategy to sway the public to our clients’ side.

Public Affairs
Public Affairs

Inside Track has a strong relationship with many broadcasting networks, government officials, and many top companies in various industries across the nation. Based on our experience working with many clients, we are able to form great relationships in various industries with various media outlets.

Bishop Mitchell G. Taylor

Bishop Mitchell G. Taylor


About Mitchell
Hank Sheinkopf

Hank Sheinkopf

Account Manager

About Hank
Bethany Goldszer

Bethany Goldszer


About Bethany
Rev. Patrick Henry Young

Rev. Patrick Henry Young

Manager of Special Projects

About Patrick

say hello!


152 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10016

P: 212-725-1855